
Hi there! I’m a San Francisco based insurance/tech professional by day, Werewolf lyncher by night, and this is my ONUW strategy blog.

This page is is no way affiliated with Bezier Games.

Leave comments and your thoughts on ONUW strategy in each post.

Have fun!

18 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey, I really enjoyed your strategy posts on all the roles, and I hope you plan to include to new roles in One Night Ultimate Vampire as well!


  2. Great site! It’s been really helpful in learning each role especially the ones that don’t have night actions. Will you also be updating this site with ONUV roles and strategies?


    1. Hi Alex, yes strategies for ONUV and both bonus packs have now been added. Sorry about being six months late on this.

  3. Great page! One thing that I think would be helpful is, beyond the night-actions listed for each, to add the objective or win-condition for each character. Something like, “The Village Idiot is on the Villager Team”, or “The Apprentice Assassin wins if… (condition).”

    Some of the additional supporting roles can be a bit confusing as to their endgame and I came across this site hoping to find info on roles and marks without having to go back to the rule leaflet.

    I could probably go through each and comment on that page if that would be helpful.

  4. really appreciate your game and strategy .
    I have some really good ideas for new roles and I would like to share with you.

    Could you please contract me via mail so I could share with you?
    Big fan.

    1. The owner of this page is not the creator of the game. It is just a great fan-page. Ted Alspach is the creator and the game is produced by BezierGames.

      But it could be cool to have a section here where people could share their ideas.

  5. We can’t figure out a way to play ONUV (Vampire… of course) with only 3 people. It says on the box that you can play with three, but it seems like a lame-o game when you do it that way.

    But on nights when it’s just the hubs, one screenager & me, we wanna play! Any ideas for us?

    1. In 3-player, you kind of have to use Assassin, or the game is pretty boring. I recommend Assassin, Pickpocket, Vampire, Copycat, and then maybe Diseased and Instigator. Just keep trying setups until one seems fair and fun.

  6. Hello,
    Love your One Night Ultimate Werewolf game so much I decided to buy it for myself the other day! It’s great to have it but upon opening it I found it only had one werewolf role card in the box. How can I go about getting another werewolf role card without buying a whole new set? Please help! Thank you!

  7. Would someone be able to help me.
    I want to buy the Bonus Roles pack but need to know which characters go with the normal Werewolf and the Daybreak expansion.

    I dont want to mix in characters from

    just need a full list of characters for Werewolf and Daybreak, Thank you

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